
Basic knowledge about Vitamin C

Vitamin C , also known as Ascorbic Acid is a water soluble vitamin . As it is a water soluble vitamin,it won't be stored in the body and extra amounts taken would be excreted through urine. Let me give you a brief introduction about vitamin C. Daily Requirement The daily requirement or RDA Value for Vitamin C is as follows: Male : 90 mg/ day Female : 75 mg/ day Function Following are some of the functions of Vitamin C: It acts as an antioxidant. Plays role in the absorption of Iron Bone formation Heals the wound  Prevents cataract formation , prevent heart diseases , prevent cancer Deficiency The deficiency of Vitamin  C (although rare) causes a disease called Scurvy , which is  characterized by anemia, bleeding gums , slow healing of wounds , painful gums , gum bleeding. Sources The following are the sources of Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid. Strawberry Cauliflower Citrus fruits like orange Tomato Blueberry Green peas Kiwi Broccoli Guava Raspberry

Basic Knowledge about Vitamin K

So , the last member of the fat or lipid soluble vitamins is the Vitamin K . It is one of the important micro nutrient. It is also known as the blood clotting vitamin. DAILY REQUIREMENT Daily requirements of vitamin K are different for males and females . Females require around 90 Micro Gram of vitamin K while men require more vitamin K , around 120 Micro gram FUNCTIONS The following are the functions of Vitamin K It is required for the blood clotting Required for healthy bones DEFICIENCY As it is required for blood clotting , deficiency may cause excessive bleeding of gums and nose. SOURCES While 10 percentage of vitamin K is produced by bacteria in our body , the following can also provide vitamin K Vegetable oils Green vegetables Spinach Beef liver Broccoli  Cheese Egg yolk

Basic Knowledge about Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the members of Fat soluble vitamins , it belongs to the family of compounds called tocopherols and tocotrienols. DAILY REQUIREMENT Though vitamin E deficiency is rare ,daily 15mg of vitamin E is required for both males and females. FUNCTIONS OF VITAMIN E The following are the fuctions of vitamin E , as this is an introductory article , so I will keep try to keep it as simple as possible Acts as antioxidant It protects the cell membrane It prevents some skin issues such as itching and may also act as moisturizer Prevents a number of cardiovascular diseases Aids in wound healing SOURCES OF VITAMIN E The following are the sources of vitamin E Vegetable oils dairy products Nuts Green Leafy vegetables Almonds Peanut Wheat germ

Basic Knowledge about Vitamin D

Vitamin D , a fat soluble vitamin , also known as the sunshine vitamin is produced in the body from a cholesterol derivative when exposed to sunlight . However if someone lives in an area with low intensity of sunlight then it's better to take vitamin D through supplements and food DAILY REQUIREMENT The daily requirement is usually 5 Micro gram daily for people under the age of 51 .People living in areas receiving little sunlight need to take more Vitamin D daily , i.e 20-25 micro gram daily to fulfill their needs . FUNCTIONS As this is just an article, giving basic knowledge about vitamin D , therefore some of the functions will be discussed here Regulates the level of calcium and phosphorous in the blood . Helps in calcium and phosphorous absorption It is essential in preventing heart diseases Also prevents flu Prevent colon , prostate cancers Essential in preventing diabetes DEFICIENCY The deficiency of Vitamin D can cause the following problems Rickets in ch

Basic Knowledge about Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin . Retinoids is the active form of vitamin A while carotenoids are the compounds that are converted to the active form. Daily requirement Well the daily requirement varies from male to female . Men require around 900 Micro-gram of Vitamin A and Females require around 700 Micro-grams daily . The average daily value is around 1000 Micro-grams Functions of Vitamin A The following are the functions of Vitamin A Growth and Development  For the proper growth and development of the body , an adequate amount of vitamin A is necessary Proper Vision For the proper working of rods and cones in our eyes , Vitamin A is required . Proper functioning of cornea is also related with vitamin A Skin It causes the proper development of skin and can cause smooth skin Immunity Infant development Deficiency and it's Effects Vitamin A deficiency can cause several problems which are given as Night Blindness Vitamin A deficiency causes

Introduction to Vitamins

 o ften we come across the word " Vitamin" . So what are vitamins ? In this article , I am going to give you an introduction to vitamins . What are Vitamins? Vitamins are the organic compounds that we require in a small amount in our diet . Organic compounds are those in which carbon is bonded with hydrogen. Although vitamins are not a source of energy but they do play a role in growth and development. How much amount is needed? It is usually thought that little amount is essential , so more amount would be better , here I am breaking this so called stereotype . As told earlier , vitamins are micro nutrients , therefore they are required in a little amount . Lets suppose a person has eaten 1 kg of food then that person would require 2.5 gm of vitamin . Humans can't make all the vitamins in their bodies , therefore vitamins need to be supplied in food. Types of vitamins Well there are about 13 vitamins , categorized into water soluble and fat soluble vitamins.

Food Intake in case of Constipation

I n the previous article , I discussed about diarrhea , it causes and the foods that should be taken ,in case of diarrhea (You may visit the previous article to recall it). Now in this article , my concern would be with the food that should be taken in case of constipation. What is constipation? Constipation is a condition in which an individual finds it's difficult to eliminate the stool or feces . What causes constipation? Generally speaking , a bunch of things or factors may cause constipation . The following can be considered one of the common causes of constipation Imbalanced diet  Dehydration Depression , stress  Not drinking enough water Overuse of laxatives Inactivity or physical inactivity Dehydration may be caused by drinking a lot of tea , coffee , black coffee etc . Depression and stress are related with the release of a hormone called cortisol that can be the cause of changes in peristalsis and cause constipation . A diet which is imbalanced is the mos