Introduction to Vitamins

 often we come across the word " Vitamin" . So what are vitamins ? In this article , I am going to give you an introduction to vitamins .

What are Vitamins?

Vitamins are the organic compounds that we require in a small amount in our diet . Organic compounds are those in which carbon is bonded with hydrogen. Although vitamins are not a source of energy but they do play a role in growth and development.

How much amount is needed?

It is usually thought that little amount is essential , so more amount would be better , here I am breaking this so called stereotype . As told earlier , vitamins are micro nutrients , therefore they are required in a little amount . Lets suppose a person has eaten 1 kg of food then that person would require 2.5 gm of vitamin . Humans can't make all the vitamins in their bodies , therefore vitamins need to be supplied in food.

Types of vitamins
Well there are about 13 vitamins , categorized into water soluble and fat soluble vitamins.

  • Fat soluble Vitamins
Vitamin A , Vitamin D , Vitamin E and Vitamin K are fat soluble vitamins , i.e they dissolve in organic liquids like benzene and ether . Fat soluble vitamins are more easily stored in our body

  • Water soluble Vitamins 
Vitamin B and Vitamin C are included in water soluble vitamins. Water soluble vitmins are less likely to be stored . Vitamin B includes the following vitamins
  • Thiamin
  • Riboflavin
  • Biotin
  • Folic acid
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin B-6
  • Vitamin B-12
Sources of vitamins
Animal source and plant sources both can provide the body with vitamins . You may also take supplements that provide vitamins . But keep in mind that the vitamins that are taken in food are better than that taken through supplements.

Vitamin deficiency
Vitamin deficiency can cause severe health problems , so proper amount of vitamins should be taken in diet .
As this is an introductory article to vitamins , more information would be provided in upcoming articles .


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