Basic Knowledge about Vitamin D

Vitamin D , a fat soluble vitamin , also known as the sunshine vitamin is produced in the body from a cholesterol derivative when exposed to sunlight . However if someone lives in an area with low intensity of sunlight then it's better to take vitamin D through supplements and food

The daily requirement is usually 5 Micro gram daily for people under the age of 51 .People living in areas receiving little sunlight need to take more Vitamin D daily , i.e 20-25 micro gram daily to fulfill their needs .

As this is just an article, giving basic knowledge about vitamin D , therefore some of the functions will be discussed here
  • Regulates the level of calcium and phosphorous in the blood . Helps in calcium and phosphorous absorption
  • It is essential in preventing heart diseases
  • Also prevents flu
  • Prevent colon , prostate cancers
  • Essential in preventing diabetes
The deficiency of Vitamin D can cause the following problems
  • Rickets in children and osteomalacia 
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Osteoporosis
  • Pain in bones
  • Pain in back
  • Impaired wound healing
  • Also found to cause depression if deficient
Sunlight is a great source of getting Vitamin D . The following food items are also good sources of vitamin D
  • Fatty Fish
  • Cheese
  • Yolk of Egg
  • Food items fortified with Vitamin D
  • Yogurt


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