Food Intake in case of Constipation

In the previous article , I discussed about diarrhea , it causes and the foods that should be taken ,in case of diarrhea (You may visit the previous article to recall it). Now in this article , my concern would be with the food that should be taken in case of constipation.

What is constipation?
Constipation is a condition in which an individual finds it's difficult to eliminate the stool or feces .

What causes constipation?
Generally speaking , a bunch of things or factors may cause constipation . The following can be considered one of the common causes of constipation

  • Imbalanced diet 
  • Dehydration
  • Depression , stress 
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Overuse of laxatives
  • Inactivity or physical inactivity
Dehydration may be caused by drinking a lot of tea , coffee , black coffee etc . Depression and stress are related with the release of a hormone called cortisol that can be the cause of changes in peristalsis and cause constipation . A diet which is imbalanced is the most common cause of constipation among the people

What should be the food intake?
As am I'm running a blog related to nutrition and dietetics , my concern would be to suggest you the food which you should take in case of constipation.I would recommend a diet that contains soluble fibers . I would suggest to avoid insoluble fibers as they may cause more harm and the situation may become worse

Foods to be taken
The following foods should be considered in case of constipation

  • Fruits such as apple , strawberry , raspberry ,blackberry , plums, dates should be taken
  • Kidney bean , navy beans , pinto beans , lima beans , wheat bran , wholegrain bread
  • Vegetables can be taken 
  • Roti can also be taken
  • Take a little bit of chocolate probably in early morning
Foods to be avoided
The following should be avoided in case of constipation
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Green tea ( it may worsen the condition)
  • Avoid drinking water immediately after taking a meal , wait for about half an hour to take water or drink
Well there are some cases like pregnancy which also cause constipation . I would recommend to visit your doctor or physician in that case . In case of  severe constipation , I would always recommend to visit your doctor or physician. I hope that this article will be beneficial for you. 


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