
Showing posts from May, 2019

Nutritional Facts about Dates

So we are here in the blessed month of Ramadan . As a Nutritionist , there are several questions that I come across .  Many people ask about the nutritional facts of dates . Here I am going to discuss the nutritional fact in 100 Gm of dates calories 100 gm of date provides about 277-280 calories Carbohydrate 75-80 gm of carbohydrates are provided Fat 0.4 gm of fat is present Fiber At least 7-8 gm of fiber is present Protein 2.45 gm of proteins are present Sodium 2 gm of Na is present in dates Potassium 656 gm of potassium is obtained from 100 gm of date Calcium Around 4% of Calcium is obtained Magnesium 12-13% of magnesium is obtained Vitamins Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6 are present Conclusion So are dates healthy ? The answer is YES . As you see , dates contain are large number of nutrients . They are nutritious , contain anti-oxidants  , high amount of fiber is also present . Therefore you must take dates in your diet  

Preventing Dehydration during Ramadan

Following tips can help prevent dehydration during the month of Ramadan 1. Drink at least 10-12 glass of water from iftari to sehri 2. Avoid Spicy and over salty foods 3. Limit the use of caffeine 4. Limit the use of sweets 5. Have lassi and Yogurt in Sehri 6. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables 7. Shower daily                          Credits :dietitianrabia

Good Calories vs Bad Calories

So you have just started your dieting , now you are counting calories in every food you are eating  Lemme tell you that counting calories  is just the beginning in following a diet plan . As far as I have explained that calorie is measure of energy , that your body is obtaining from food . So are all the calories same ?  The answer is "no" . All calories are not equal , because each type of food has its own effect on our body.When you eat the proper amount of calories according to your diet plan , you lose weight.But if you eat the right amount of bad calories then losing weight would be a lot more difficult . 200 calories from a fruit are better than 200 calories from a chocolate cake. Having good  calories vs bad calories is just as important as how many calories you obtain . Let me give you the differences between good and bad calories                   Good Calories                 Bad Calories Good calories provide protein , fats and carbohydrat

What is a Diet Plan?

Often I have seen people discussing the word " Diet Plan " . People without having any proper knowledge , often google the term to find diet plans in order to lose or gain weight . So is it possible to get ready made diet plan from the internet ? I will answer this question , in this blog. To get an idea about diet plan , let us know what is diet ? Diet includes the food and drinks that are consumed by a person . In simple words the sum of all the foods that are taken up by a person . This is called Diet . Diet Plan  is a chart in which tells you are told to follow an arranged or organized diet in order to increase or decrease the number of calories intake according to your age , height , weight or your BMI . WILL DIET PLANS AID ME IN LOSING WEIGHT ? A diet plan contains an organized pattern to control your calories intake . You are recommended foods and drinks that can be helpful in losing or gaining weight . A diet plan if followed properly can help you in your targe

What are Calories ?

We often come across the word " Calorie " . So what is a Calorie ?  To keep track of the body's energy requirement , we use a unit called Calorie . It is the potential energy that is stored in food and is provided to the body when chemical bonds are broken down . In simple words, it is measurement of energy required for your body. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN Calorie AND calorie Generally the words Calorie and calorie are somehow different . The word C alorie with capital C and the word c alorie with small c are not the same . On food products we usually see the Calorie with a capital C                                                              1 Calorie = 1000 calories DAILY CALORIE REQUIREMENT Normally the calorie requirements vary according to weight , age , height and Basal metabolic activity . The average calories required for male are 2500 kcal and Women require about 2000 kcal per day . But a sportsman or laborer or anyone with great physical activity require more