
Showing posts from June, 2019

Maintaining Blood Glucose level by Gluconeogenesis

Our body requires Glucose , which acts as fuel for our body . Normally our blood contains 60-150 mg/dL glucose .Normally carbohydrates are the source of glucose in our body This level of glucose is constant and is necessary for body's normal functioning , it is converted to energy by a variety of steps                       GLUCOSE-----> GLYCOLYSIS------> KREBS CYCLE----> ETC-------> ATP(ENERGY) Generally there are two states in our body Fed State Fasted state Fed state is usually the state , after you have taken a meal i.e you have taken a piece of cake . The body will use it to make glucose .It is then directly used to maintain the blood glucose level. During the fasted state you haven't eaten anything for a few hours ad body will have to pump glucose into the blood to maintain normal levels of glucose . During this state body will have to make glucose from following steps Convert Glycogen to Glucose Gluconeogenesis Glycogen is a preserved state

What is Food Allergy ? Are you suffering from food allergy ?

To understand the concept of Food Allergy , firstly we need to understand what is an allergen ? So what is an allergen ? Let me give you a brief idea about the allergen ALLERGEN Any protein particle or component that causes hypersensitive response in our body , and cause the release of  antibodies in our body is generally termed as Allergen . Immunoglobulins or antibodies are the substances that help in neutralizing the Allergen  . FOOD ALLERGEN  Any protein in food or any protein component of food that body takes as threat or considers harmful and causes the release of antibodies in the body may be termed as food allergen . Food Allergen binds to Immunoglobulins E (IgE) and causes the release of a chemical in our body called HISTAMINE . Once histamine is released , it causes contraction of smooth muscles such as tissues of lungs , stomach and cause acceleration of Heart beat .Blood pressure may drop and may also cause difficulty in breathing . SYMPTOMS These symptoms are us